Implement AI

Piers Linney and Aalok Y Shukla

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The AI-assisted Organisation podcast with Implement AI #3

Implement AI is a next generation consultancy dedicated to supporting small and medium-sized businesses to understand, select and implement AI and continually optimise as the technology evolves. Implement AI is your partner to transform your business to being AI-assisted, before your competition does. In this podcast co-founders of Implement AI, Piers Linney and Aalok Shukla, discuss progress, news and insights from Implement AI events. This week our discussion includes updates from Meta and Google Bard and whether we are going to experience a trough of disillusionment after a hype cycle? Or, are we approaching permanent exponential change? We cover insights on deploying AI following meetings Microsoft Azure about their OpenAI integrations.


Join us at our Live London Event 5th July